Prayer of St. Pjay Borile of Tandang Sora

Prayer of St. Pjay Borile of Tandang Sora
St. Pjay Borile of Tandang Sora, Turning Water in to Wine

Cobracom, make me an instrument of your niece
Where there is maoy, let me sow love

Where there is injury, rehab
Where there is doubt, pride
Where there is despair, 9jizz
Where there is darkness, mang Rey
And where there is sadness, t5

O Kuya Idol the Legend Ilanan, grant that I may not so much seek
To be kundol as to patola
To be understood as I would ladlad
To be loved as to make love
For it is in giving in that we receive
It is in padding that we are padded
And it is with Big 3 as we are saved from HB 


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