Thanks 2010; Cheers 2011

photo taken from Padre Burgos, Quezon
2010 wasn't the ideal year for me. I took some hard hitters that flurried without giving me any chance to fight back.

 I took some big falls and yes I fell hard.

I understand that it is not on the frequency and severity of the fall but the question remains wether to keep on staying down or to stand up. 

For the record, I chose to stand up, blow after blow.

Even if it was a rough ride, I'm still blessed, for these trials made me understood what friendship, family and faith really is.

I am very thankful to everyone. Words could not justify how thankful I am for the people around me have been a great part of my healing.

I appreciate the time spent, effort to listen and understanding.

These SIMPLE THINGS, deep inside made me smile.

special thanks to: my family especially to ate len, mom, dad, jp and raf whom listened to me when i acutely needed people to talk, to my jc neb family especially to rose, dino, caps, marc julia, kerwin, maine, rizza, pia, gab, janlo, to my college barkada cam, geng and yen, to the couple pix and khriz, to dra meg, angel, to nic/eunice, to my climber friends that make me realize that neverland totally exist k'gax, k'tom, nikolai, mr perfect body, k'jao, mr yao, ia, t'kat, k'beau et al, to my super rle mates bry, ai et al, to people down under to joyce and te'ara, to ms jbordon, ryan and bless, to te'ma'an, to mia, to my ninang rani, and pastor noel. and those not mentioned THANK YOU.

The new year is fast approaching and I'm looking forward to a year full of possibilities, hopes and blessings! 

Here are some things I'd like to do this 2011:

  • Redeem the next 10% to reach a hundred - status quo: 90 :) refer to previous post Sound of Silence 

Lust For Lime 6

Video teaser of Lust for Lime 6 rocktrip from
Cantabaco, Cebu, Philippines.

Film and edit by Dennis Diaz 

Goo Goo Ga Ga Rock Trip

Here are some Great Monochromatic Captures by Dennis "Daddyo" Diaz and Xtian Guerrero from the recently concluded Goo Goo Ga Ga Rock Trip - Cagayan De Oro, Philippines. (December 2010)

Thanks Daddyo for letting me post these awesome pictures!


Christmas Sunburn: Beer, Booze, Beach and Boulder

Me and my uncle had our fair share of the life outside the busy city 2 days before Christmas. We had Red Horse, Quattro Kantos, White Sand, and Boulders for our selves for a day.

Borawan Island, Padre Burgos, Quezon, Philippines. - 23, December.


REPOST: If Climbing is a Religion by Bidz Dela Cruz (2010)

a literary work by a climber and good friend 
Bidz Dela Cruz

Bidz Dela Cruz, my good friend 

g If Climbing is a Religion
g By Bidz Dela Cruz 2010


g If Rock Climbing is a religion, then having non-calloused hands is a sin. Swimming everyday would 

g have some negative karmic influences on your spiritual growth. A backslide would happen if you start 
g abstaining from visiting the sacred place of wall climbing gyms and rock altars of the outdoors. And 
g given the small community of rock climbers in the country, it would be a cult in the Philippines. The 
g pastors would be the gym instructors and if your spiritual growth is stagnant, either you are not 
g listening to their sermons or your pastor is lazy enough to teach you the way of climbing more 
g divinely. The latter somehow is a bit natural in other wall climbing churches where the pastor is way
g past his prime years or is insecure that you’ll spiritually mature fast and replace his post as a climbing 
g pastor.



   Here are some shots from the Atimonan, Quezon "biglaan" rock trip Thanks to the personal invite of Pastor Noel. 

The name of the route is Bladerunner a classic 6b climb

All shots were taken by Nary Blaquera, my dad, using Olympus Tough 8010 camera. 



Sound of Silence

If you have noticed I stopped blogging for a long while...

For I just came from a tragic break-up with my 5 year girlfriend, one that must not be named. 

climbing side by side Mr. Gerry Ulanday - former national climbing champion, Philippines shot taken by Leslie Regio