Letter for WORLDS from Dino De Leon

Dear Fellow Filipinos,

Greetings of goodwill!

As you might all probably know, the Philippines was awarded the exceptionally rare opportunity to host the Olympics of debating--the World Universities Debating Championship!

The 32nd World Universities Debating Championship, colloquially known to the World Debate Community as "De La Salle Worlds", will be held in De La Salle University on December 27, 2011-January 4, 2012. The most brilliant students from the top universities in the world like Harvard, Cambridge, Oxford, Stanford, Yale, NUS, and Sydney will be coming to De La Salle University to participate in this 9-day exchange of wit, intellect, and rhetoric. The Grand Finals will be held in the Plenary Hall of the Philippine International Convention Center to be televised live in at least 3 television networks and to be graced by key government officials and members of the diplomatic core.

As of now, we have a 234 Universities, 400 teams, and a total of more than 1500 participants who are registered coming from more than 50 nations.

We aim to put the Philippines at the center of global intellectual discourse as well as showcase what our country has to offer. Further, we want to significantly contribute to the development of the Filipino youth who will be the future leaders of our country by exposing them to the most intelligent minds of the globe.

Less than 90 days to go before the actual event, we would like to call on everyone to help us make this event successful by being a SPONSOR of the 32nd World Universities Debating Championship. We need all the help that we can get as the success of this event will definitely be also a success of our country as a whole.

For interested partners, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned Convenor at 5244611 loc. 376 or through e-mail at dino.deleon@dlsuworlds.com.

In the service of the youth and our country, we remain.

Faithfully yours,

Dino De Leon
Convenor, 32nd World Universities Debating Championship
Claretiano. Lasalliano. Filipino.

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